List of Deportees of the "Oberfinanzdirektion Nürnberg"
In many cases, the fiscal authorities were involved in the organization of deportations with the aim of stealing the property of the deportees. In some cases, such as the deportation to Piaski in April 1942, there are transport lists of the deportees in the holdings of the regional financial office "Oberfinanzdirektion".
"Transportliste. Aussiedlung von Juden nach Lublin-Izbica aus dem Stapobereich Regensburg" Staatsarchiv Nürnberg, Akt OFD Nürnberg (Bund) Nr. 15456.
Kooperationsverbund #LastSeen. Bilder der NS-Deportationen Dr. Alina Bothe Projektleiterin
c/o Selma Stern Zentrum für Jüdische Studien Berlin-Brandenburg
Freie Universität Berlin
Habelschwerdter Allee 34A
14195 Berlin
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